Chernobyl | Castle Bravo | Challenger | Broken Arrow Incidents | Random |
What country did this take place in?
What is Bikini Atoll
Where did the castle bravo incident happen?
What is 7
How many crew members were on board?
What is 32
How many broken arrow incidents were there?
What is SpongeBob
What television show was influenced by one of the incidents?
What is 1986
What year did this take place?
What is the pacific ocean
In what ocean did this take place?
What is 73 seconds
How many seconds after launch did the challenger explode?
What is 6
How many nuclear weapons were lost?
What is accident involving nuclear weapons
What does the term broken arrow mean
What is the name of the show based off this?
What is Lucky Dragon No. 5
What was the name of the contaminated fishing vessel.
What is 1986
What year did it take place
What is 84
How many nuclear suitcases went missing?
What is sugar daddy
What kind of daddy is Mr Krabs
What is 2
How many explosions took place
What is thermonuclear bomb
What was the classification of the bomb that was dropped?
What is 62 days
How many total days in space did the challenger spend?
Who is Uncle Sam
Who is portrayed breaking an arrow on the sick organizer?
What is the challenger
What was the name of the second shuttle in space?
What is C, H, E, R, N, O, B, Y, L
How do you spell cherrnobil
What is 1000x
How much more powerful was the bomb than the ones dropped in Japan?
What is Arlington National cemetary
What is the name of the cemetery the unidentified crew members were buried under?
What is 2
How many Mark 39 bomb were in the crashed plane in Goldsboro north Carolina?
What is Ryan Reynolds
Who is the hottest man alive