Virtual Co-training | Benefits for Learners | Training Methods | Co-training Challenges |
What is Camera?
This device allows you to see if your learners are engaged
What is variety?
As with life, this can be the spice of training
What is Tag Team?
Similar to professional wrestling, this method goes back and forth
What are ground rules?
These guidelines should be established early on to convey expectations
What is Teams chat or email?
These are ways to stay in contact with your virtual co-trainer
What is Visual, Auditory, Reading/writing, Kinesthetic?
Two trainers are more likely to include these VARK elements
What is Speak and Add?
When one trainer talks and the other contributes something to the conversation
What are style and approach?
These differences in delivery can lead to disagreements between trainers
What are polls, gamification, Q&A
These activities keep learners engaged
What is two?
When it comes to solving tech problems, this is "better than one."
What is Speak and Scribe?
When one trainer does most of the speaking while the other monitors and makes notes
What are status and power?
When one trainer feels more qualified or senior, these negative feelings of superiority can creep in
What is Backup plan?
You have this type of plan, just in case something unexpected happens
What is styles or approaches?
Learners have different preferences, so having multiple trainers is good to provide these different things.
What is Duet?
You have great synergy with your co-trainer to pull off the most difficult form of delivery
What is time management?
This issue can arise when one trainer takes too much time to cover a topic - or, goes off topic