Evaluation of Neurologic Status | Vital Signs | Diagnostic Procedures | Head Injury | |
What is the arousal-waking state that indicates the ability to respond to stimuli?
What is the breathing pattern with brainstem dysfunction?
Periodic or irregular breathing
What is the procedure when a needle is inserted between L3-L4 or L4-L5 vertebral spaces?
Lumbar puncture (LP)
What is a fracture that is several irregular fragments which are pushed inward causing pressure on the brain?
Depressed fracture
What is the best indicator to determine the depth of comatose state?
Level of consciousness
What is limited spontaneous movement, sluggish speech, drowsiness?
What is pulse pattern with cerebral dysfunction?
Variable. rapid, slow, bounding, or feeble.
What is the procedure that used electrodes placed on various points.
What is bruising at the point of impact?
What is best indicator for outcome with submersion injuries?
Submersion less than 5 minutes and presence of HR, reactive pupils and positive neuro responses.
What is a sign of dysfunction at level of midbrain which has rigid extension and pronation of arms and legs?
Extension posturing
What is typical body temperature with cerebral dysfunction?
Elevated and may be extreme.
What is the procedure that uses x-ray and may require patient sedation?
What is the most common head injury which is a transient and reversible neuro-dysfunction with instantaneous loss of awareness and responsiveness as a result of trauma to the head?
What is the definitive diagnostic test for bacterial meningitis?
Lumbar puncture (LP)
What is a sign of increased intracranial pressure observed in the eyes?
What is a slowing of the pulse and increase of blood pressure and is a late sign of ICP?
Cushing reflex
What is the noninvasive procedure that is simple and is used to show fractures and dislocations?
Radiography (x-ray)
What is caused by a hemorrhage which occurs within minutes or hours in association with contusions or lacerations?
Acute subdural hematoma
What is type of diet has been effective with some forms of seizures?
What is a state of unconsciousness where the patient cannot be aroused even with painful stimuli?
What a respiration with cerebral dysfunction?
Slow, deep, and irregular.
What is the noninvasive procedure that has no exposure to radiation and may require sedation?
What are the physical forces that occur when a stationary head receives a blow and is responsible for most head injuries?
What cerebral deformity is seem with frontal bossing?