In the city... | Where is...? | Immigration Vocabulary | Telling time | Scrambled Sentences |
What is carpark?
You leave your car here
Next to the post office
Where is the library? |
What is a fare?
The money paid for a journey on public transport.
"They paid the ____ to America and there they melted in" |
It is twelve o'clock
When does the film start?
the / does / start? / When / film
What is the bakery?
You buy bread here
Next to the hospital; across from/in front of the theater/supermarket/book shop
Where is the police station? Give 2 different answers/directions
What is a fellow?
A person in the same position as you; a comrade.
It is half past twelve; It is five past twelve
Does she work for a bank?
for / a / she / work / bank? / Does
What is the post office?
You buy stamps and letters here
Between the bakery and gas station; across from/in front of the theater
Where is "videos"? Give 2 different answers/directions
What is a forebear?
Ancestors: I'll come back to the land of my _______________
It is a quarter past twelve; it is twenty past six
Can I introduce you to my colleague?
you / Can / my / to / colleague? / introduce / I
What is the newsagent's?
You buy newspapers here
Between the bank and the music store; across from/in front of the parking lot
Where is the payphone? Give 2 different answers/directions
What is a dime?
A 10 cent coin
It is a quarter to one; It is ten to eleven
Lovely Lady Liberty,
With her book of recipes
Lady / book / Liberty, / recipes. / Lovely / her / of / With
What is the chemists'?
You buy medicine here
Across from the park; behind the grocery store; next to/behind the drugstore
Where is the swimming pool? Give 3 different answers/directions
What is to flout?
To intentionally disobey a rule or law
It is a quarter to nine; It is twenty-five to eight
We should not oppress a stranger, because we were strangers once, too.
We / oppress / not / a / should / stranger,
we / too. / were / because / once, / strangers |