Unit 3: Policing | Unit 3: Policing | Unit 4: Individual Rights, Racial Profiling | Unit 4: Individual Rights, Racial Profiling | Unit 4: Individual Rights, Racial Profiling |
What is 25 days?
This is the length of time the grand jury met to review the evidence against Darren Wilson for the shooting of Michael Brown
What is height?
This is the physical requirement to become a police officer that was removed because it was considered to be discriminatory against women and some ethnic groups
What is 'probable cause'?
This formally establishes a correlation between a residence and criminal activity OR a particular suspect and a crime
What is the Fourth Amendment?
This is the United States Constitutional Amendment that protects citizens from unreasonable search and seizure of their property, home, person and personal effects
What are 'contact cards'?
These are used by Chicago Police Department as a means to keep track of the demographics of individuals stopped by the police - and ideally as a measure of police accountability
What is 4 hours?
This is the length of time Brown's body remained in the street while officers processed the scene of the shooting
What is 23%?
Current research suggests that minorities comprise ____% of local and county law enforcement departments
What is 'a reasonable suspicion'?
This circumstance must be present in order for police to conduct a stop and frisk
What is a 'consent search'?
This is the term used if an officer asks a citizen permission to search a vehicle and upon receiving permission, proceeds to search the vehicle
What are equipment violations (e.g. broken tail light/head lamp) and license/registration violations (e.g. expired annual registration sticker/lack of city sticker)?
Based on the results of the 2012 Illinois Traffic Stop Study, minority drivers are stopped more often for which two categories of violations than their white counterparts?
What are Officer Wilson's understanding of Brown's motives and whether a reasonable person would have viewed Brown's actions as a threat?
This is what the grand jury was expected to determine from the evidence brought forth by the prosecutor regarding the death of Michael Brown by Officer Darren Wilson
What are 'emphasized centralized organizations, increased use of technology and limited the use of discretion through regulations'?
The professional era of policing changed these main attributes of the profession of law enforcement
What is 50%?
Police should be at least ____________% certain that there is sufficient evidence that connects a suspect to a crime or a residence to criminal activity
What is DWB - Driving While Black?
This is the term used to refer to the phenomena of police stopping African American drivers more frequently
What is a frisk?
This is the term used to refer to the process of police officers patting down suspects to ensure that they are not armed
What is 12%?
This is the approximated percentage of women serving in local law enforcement as of 2014
What is 50%?
This is the estimated percentage of local and county law enforcement that have a bachelor's degree or above
What is the 'fruit of the poisoned tree' doctrine?
This doctrine prevents the use of illegally obtained evidence gathered by police against an accused offender
What is 'probable cause'?
This is what is required for the police to violate the protections of a citizen's right to privacy
What are exigent circumstances, an arrest warrant, when they observe a violation of the law, or when they have probable cause to believe someone has committed a crime?
These are the four circumstances in which an officer may make an arrest
What is the turmoil of the 1960s?
This is considered to be the reason behind the community era of policing
What is that meaningful interaction between officers and citizens will lead to a partnership in fighting crime?
This is the core of community policing
What is individual acts or behavior of the person?
Racial profiling is said to occur when police take action against an individual based on their race, ethnicity, or national origin instead of what?
What is a 'pretextual stop'?
If an officer stops a person because their registration has expired and then proceeds to request the driver's permission to search the vehicle, this is known as what?
What is discretion?
This is the single most contended element of policing and poses the greatest threat to individual rights when misused
What is the IPRA - Independent Police Review Authority?
This is the name of the organization in Chicago that provides oversight to police-citizen interactions that is separate from the police department