
Unit 2: Measuring Crime Unit 2: Measuring Crime Unit 2: Measuring Crime Unit 3: The Police Unit 3: The Police
What are 'innovative policing strategies'?
This is the most common reason cited by media for the decline in crime rates in the 1990s
What are self-report surveys and victimization studies?
These are the two broad ways to measure crime OTHER than using official statistics
What is 'that it includes crimes that are not reported to police' OR 'that it is not affected by reporting biases that may come from police-submitted data'?
This is one main reason that NCVS crime data is more comprehensive than UCR crime data
What is a 'grand jury'?
This is the process by which a group of individuals in a community are presented with evidence by a prosecutor and must determine if there is sufficient evidence to indict a person of a crime - sort of like a 'pre-trial'
What is 21?
This is the minimum age requirement to be hired by Chicago Police Department
What is 'rape'?
This is the one crime that is the most difficult to measure the number of occurrences by any crime data base
What is 95%?
This is the estimated response rate of the UCR by law enforcement agencies
What is 'disproportionately' (reflected)?
African Americans are considered to be ______________________ reflected in crime statistics, relative to their overall representation in the U.S. population
What is the 'fleeing felon doctrine'?
This WAS the standard that was in place prior to Tennessee v. Garner (1985) that was the basis for declaring an officer-involved shooting that resulted in the death of a citizen a 'justifiable homicide.'
What is 'clear and present danger'?
These are the circumstances that must be present in order for an officer-involved shooting that results in the death of a citizen to be considered a 'justifiable homicide.'
What are 'homicide, aggravated assault, rape, robbery, burglary, larceny theft, motor vehicle theft and arson'?
These are the eight major crimes that are tracked by the UCR
What are males, females?
With regard to gender, _____________ are more represented in crime statistics than _____________
What is 'changing (legal) definitions of the crime'?
This is one reason that for a given crime in a specific city or state there may be no data submitted in official statistics for a period of time
What is 60 credit hours of college coursework OR four years military service?
This is the educational requirement in the Chicago Police Department
What is the English system of law enforcement?
The American institution of policing and law enforcement was modeled after this
What is the 'hierarchy rule'?
This is the term used in regard to the UCR that dictates in a criminal incident, only the most serious crime is reported in UCR data
What are high school students and college students?
The primary focus of self-report studies is on these groups of people
What is the memory of the respondent?
This limitation affects victimization survey data and is partially addressed by the survey only gathering information on criminal incidents that have occurred within the past six months to a year
What are federal, state, county, and municipal?
These are the four types of law enforcement agencies
What is 'the ability to change police-citizen encounters for the better' or 'positive behavior shift in police citizen interactions'?
This is what the early studies of the use of police body cameras has indicated
What is 'the dark figure of crime'?
This is the term used to refer to the amount of crime that is not reflected in official statistics
What is the honesty of the respondent?
This is considered to be the greatest limitation of self-report studies
What is a 'random sample'?
The victimization survey data encompasses a ______________ ________________ of households which allows us to generalize these results and make an estimate about the entire population
What is controlling certain groups of people (namely Native Americans and slaves)?
The majority of early policing in the United States was focused on this
What is the Political Era (1840 - 1930)?
This was the earliest in the three broad historical eras of American policing
The amount of time it will take to go through all the video, the cost it takes to implement and train officers to use them, the ability for them to be seen or noticed by the public (privacy/confidentiality concerns).
What is one major criticism of the use of body cameras by police?

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