Unit 7: The Death Penalty: General | Unit 7: The Death Penalty | Unit 6 - continued | Unit 8 - Serial Killers | Units 7 - 8 |
What are lethal injection drugs?
Lack of this has led to delays in the executions of some inmates on death row
What are aggravating circumstances?
A judge in AL (or any state which allows judicial override) can override a jury's vote against the death penalty and implement the death penalty; most commonly on the grounds of _____________________.
What is parole?
This is the proper term for supervision in the community that is served AFTER having served time in a prison
What is a spree murder?
for example: DC Sniper
This type of homicide involves at least three victims, at least three locations and includes a cooling off period
What is that drug manufacturers do not want their name/brand associated with the death penalty?
This is the reason largely attributed to the shortage of available drugs for lethal injection
What is approximately 16 years?
As of 2012, this is the average length of time between sentencing and execution of persons sentenced to death
What is Ring v. Arizona (2002)?
This is the case which challenged the ability for judges to override a jury's decision regarding giving an offender the death penalty
What is violation of 8th amendment rights?
If an inmate sues a state for lack of options available to him in the commissary as cruel and unusual punishment, on what grounds is this inmate filing suit?
What is an abusive childhood?
A majority of serial murderers have this element of their background in common
What is 33?
Gacy is alleged to have killed approximately this many victims
What are the determination of guilt or innocence (guilt phase) and the sentencing phase?
In a death penalty trial these are the two phases of the trial process
What is 2011?
In what year did IL abolish the death penalty?
What is probation?
An offender may be sentenced to this in the community in lieu of (as an alternative to) serving prison time.
What is a clown?
Gacy was associated with what childhood character?
What is strangulation with the 'rope trick'?
This is the method by which Gacy is said to have killed his victims
What is a unanimous vote from the jury?
Most states require ________________ in order to impose a sentence of the death penalty
What is '[to] commute'?
The process of changing a sentence from the death penalty to life imprisonment is known as this
What is retribution?
This is the term used to describe society's need to heal by sentencing an offender to a harsh prison sentence
What is mass murder?
The Aurora, Colorado and Lafayette, LA theater shootings are examples of this type of murder
What is 12?
This is how many of the murders Gacy was sentenced to death for
What is retribution or 'eye for an 'eye'?
The death penalty aligns with this philosophy of punishment
What is 31?
This is the number of states that still have the death penalty
What is discretion?
Mandatory sentencing restricts the __________________ of judges
What is a serial murderer?
John Gacy, Jefferey Dahmer and Derrick Todd Lee are examples of this type of murderer
What is a serial murderer/serial killer?
This is the only kind of repeat murderer that has a cooling off period between victims
What is 'bifurcated'?
This is the term used to refer to the two-part trial process of a death penalty trial