Criminal Justice Process

Jury Selection Process / Courts Corrections - Institutions Corrections - Prison Populations Corrections - Sentencing and Punishment Corrections - Sentencing / Women and Sexuality in Prisons
What is a 'challenge for cause'?
These are limited in number in the selection process and the attorneys are NOT required to provide a reason for eliminating a prospective juror
What is the 'special housing unit'?
In the reading, references were made to the "shoe". They were referring to this.
What is the United States?
This country has more people in prison per capita than any other country in the world
Who are legislators [who write criminal codes]?
This is who is responsible for the existence of mandatory sentencing
What are state prisons?
This broad category of prisons may allow conjugal visits in select facilities
What is a 'subpoena'?
This is the document a potential juror receives that orders them to appear for the jury selection process
What is twice as many / 2X the prison population?
About this many people are serving their time in the community when compared to the prison population of the United States
What are 'prisons' and 'jails'?
Sexual assault is more common in ________ than in _____________
What are deterrence, incapacitation, retribution, and rehabilitation?
These are the four purposes of punishment
What are property and drug crimes?
These are the broad genres of crimes that women are largely incarcerated for
What is 'impeachment'?
This is the name of the process by which a federal judge may be removed from the bench. It may also be used to refer to the process to remove a state governor or president from office.
What is supermax?
This is the security level of Tamms
What is the BoP/ the federal prison system / FBoP?
This prison system is known for having a lower recidivism rate than state prison systems
What is 'general deterrence'?
The prison experience as a whole is argued to represent this type of deterrence
What is 7 in 10?
This is the proportion of female inmates that is estimated to have at least one child under age 18
What are courts of appeals/intermediate courts, courts of general jurisdiction, courts of limited jurisdiction and courts of last resort/state supreme courts?
State court systems are comprised of these four general components
What is prison loaf/meal loaf?
This is the food that may be served to inmates as a punishment for misbehaving while in prison
What is 25%?
This is the percentage of the world's prison population that is held in U.S. prisons
What are incapacitation and retribution?
These are the two more popular philosophies of punishment among the general public that are responsible for a larger prison population
What are mandatory sentencing laws?
There are more of these type of laws on sentencing than in the past, especially with regard to drug crimes and violent crimes
What are community safety and [if the defendant is a] flight risk?
These are two general reasons that bail may be denied
What is a year or more?
Inmates who are held in prison are generally serving sentences of this length
What is 2.3 million?
This is the prison population of the United States in 2013
What are fines, intermediate options, prison time, up to the death penalty?
This is the broad range of sentencing options available for a person convicted of a crime
What is a history of physical or sexual abuse?
This is the single factor that separates female inmates from male inmates
What is 16?
Of any thousand crimes committed, this is the estimated number of people who are sent to prison

CLJ 101 - Spring 2016 Unit 5 / Unit 6 - Courts / Corrections

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