Electrocardiography | Medical Lab Regulations | The Medical Lab | Hematology | Urinalysis |
What is Cardioversion
Converts cardiac arrhythmia into normal sinus rhythm
The lowest potential for hazard is given this number by the National Fire Protection Association
This department tests blood for typing, cross matching and separates and stores blood components
The number of liters of blood contained in the body
180 mg/dl
The threshold limit of glucose in the blood, that will then spill into the urine
What is One Heartbeat
The cardiac cycle represents
Non-waived tests, moderate and complex
The law mandates quality assurance and control on this level of CLIA regulated tests
This lab department performs tests for identifying bacteria and fungi
Buffy Coat
Plasma and RBCs are separated by this when using anticoagulation tubes
before testing each specimen
Refractometer quality control must be performed at these times
What is Interrupted baseline
This occurs when the metal tip of a lead becomes detached from an electrode
This organization safeguards the public by regulating all medical testing
Hepatic function
This panel tests for albumin, alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin, protein, SGOT and SGPT
The hormone required for the production of new RBCs
Do not expose the moisture
Keep in original container Keep away from direct sunlight
This is a quality control method for reagent strips
What is Normal sinus rhythm
This term is used to refer to an ECG reading that is within normal limits
The employer must provide a hazard communication educational program within this many days of employment
This lab department tests and microscopically examines cells to detect early signs of cancer and other diseases
Hematocrit values that are the normal range for adult males
When casts are formed, this accumulates in the kidney tubules
What is ICD, internal cardiac defibulator
Small device that sends an electric charge into the heart to bring it back into a normal rhythm
job rotation
This is a way to minimize cumulative trauma disorders
This lab department analyzes the composition of blood and joint fluid
Inflammatory disease / process
As the "sed rate" increases, this type of disease process is detected
The area of the reagent strip that would be positive if an infection is present in a urine sample