Its all in the numbers Hodge Podge More Hodge Podge Microbiology Phlebotomy
What is 100
The number of questions on your final exam
What is EIA
This lab test involves an antigen, an antibody specific for the antigen, and a second antibody
What is electron microscope
This type of microscope is required to visualize viruses
What is cerebrospinal fluid
A culture for Neisseria meningitidis id obtained from this kind of fluid
What is Advance needle slightly, Withdraw needle slightly, try another vacuum tube
Try this when a blood sample cannot be obtained
What is 70-110 mg/dl
This is the normal range for serum values for a fasting blood sugar
What is RhoGam
What is administered to Rh-negative mothers to prevent most cases of hemolytic disease in the newborn
What is erythrocyte indices
This test describes the size and hemoglobin content of RBCs
What is Group A, beta-hemolytic streptococcus
This organism causes strep throat
What is the heel
The site for infant capillary puncture
What is 4,500-11,000
The normal reference range for an adult leukocyte count
What is skin contact OR
inhalation OR
Ways a medical assistant can come in contact with hazardous chemicals
What is neutrophils
The most numerous of the WBCs
What is candle jar OR
Gas pack jar
Needed to maintain an anaerobic condition for a culture
What is the median cubital
The vein used most of the time in phlebotomy
What is 15-25 years of age
This age group observes the most cases of IM (infectious mononucleosis)
What is asymptomatic
the term given to a patient who has no complaints or symptoms of illness
What is 24-hour
This type of urine sample is required when quantitative tests are needed for different substances
What is serum OR Capillary blood OR Plasma
A CLIA-waived test for infectious mono requires this type of blood sample
What is syringe method, vacuum tube method, butterfly method
The three methods of performing phlebotomy
What is 200-239
Per the textbook, this range is indicates borderline blood cholesterol levels
What is control test
This must be run to ensure that test results are accurate
What is coal tar
Dyes used in microbiology are made from
What is fume hood
What is used in a lab to prevent the spread of microorganisms via aerosol means
What is the tip of your index finger
The finger should you palpate for a vein with

Clinical 3 Final Part 2

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