Call 911! | Urinary System | GI troubles | Eyes and Ears | Testing, Testing, 1,2,3 |
What is SHOCK
Symptoms include inadequate circulation to body parts, cyanotic around lips, eyes, and fingernails, rapid but weak pulse
What is UTI
Most common disorder of the urinary system
What is Epigastric pain
the most common symptom of gastritis
What is Vitreous humor
The gelatinous mass located behind the lens of the eye
What is Pulmonary Function Test
Measures airflow, volume and capacity
What is Second-degree
This type of burn involves the epidermis and dermis
What is IVP
Radiographic exam of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder using contrast media
What is Peptic ulcer
Condition that causes erosion of the mucosal lining of the stomach
What is Anterior chamber
The name of the space in front of the iris and in back of the cornea
What is Pulse oximetry
Tests oxygen saturation of the blood
What is syncope
Term meaning fainting
What is Laxatives, Enemas, and Fasting
Patient prep for an IVP include these three things
What is Detect occult blood
The purpose of the guaiac test
What is Malleus, Incus And Stapes
The three parts of the middle ear
What is Ishihara
Screening test for color vision
What is stroke
Symptoms may include loss of vision, confusion, slurred speech, and nausea
What is Obtain a sterile urine sample and Relief of urinary retention
Two main reasons for urinary catheterization
Test used to visualize the stomach for ulcers, lesions, and malignancies
What is Cochlea
The organ of hearing
What is Jaeger
Screening test for near vision
What is Minimize risk of infection
The first priority for an open wound
What is Pepsi
(Lucky Duck who got this question! )
The liquid most commonly consumed by your instructor
What is Bariatrics
Field of study that treats and studies obesity
What is temporal lobe
Receiving area of the brain for auditory impulses
What is Myocardial infarction
This condition is verified by performing blood tests to measure cardiac enzymes