Life Threatening Disease | Infectious diseae | What??? | Vitals | Some more stuff to know |
What is Disease causing shorter lifespan
Definition of life-threatening illness
Portal of Exit
the step in the infection cycle when the infectious agent leaves the reservoir host
Body fluids, blood and non-intact skin
Standard precautions apply to
1 kg-2.2 lbs
The conversion of kilograms and pounds
Present Illness
Part of the medical history that that includes notes about location, quality, and timing
What is Pain management and treatment may not work
Two major disadvantages of not seeking care for an illness until it is very advanced
What is Pathogen
Term for organism that cause infectious disease
Acute viral hepatitis diseases affect this organ
The pulse location used in emergencies
Review of systems
A physicians overall assessment of major body functions
What is Pain and loss of independence
The number one fear of patients with a life-threatening illness
What is Infectious agent
Link of infection cycle broken by cleansing and sterilization
Medical Asepsis practices
Hand-washing, general cleaning and disinfection are all considered
Between phases I and II or III
When the auscultatory gap is heard in some paitents (between which phases)
Source-oriented and Problem-oriented
Two types of common medical records format
What is Family and friends of patient
The secondary patient of life-threatening illnesses
What is Declining
The stage of infectious disease showing improvement to level of health
The Disease
The physicians chief concern
Korotkoffs sounds when cuff deflates and the sounds are muffled and fading
Database, problem list, diagnostic and treatment plan, progress notes
Major components of a problem-oriented medical record (4)
What is
Capitalize on the patients strengths Build on the patients own culture and coping abilities Maintain hope Show concern and care
A therapeutic response to a patient with a life-threatening illness
Who Edward Jenner
Discovered the first vaccine
Demographic data form
Form which contains the patients full name, address, and telephone number
Normal adult respiration rate range
That the patient understands each question
the most important consideration when performing a patient interview