What is the greenhouse effect?
This effect is is responsible for Earth's maintaining its heat at night, but too much of this effect can cause the temperature of the Earth to rise.
What is the atmosphere?
This thin layer of gases surrounds the Earth.
What is polar ice?
This area of frozen water reflects radiant energy back into space so it is not absorbed on our planet.
What is drought?
Higher air temperatures can cause more evaporation of moisture from the soil. If this becomes extreme, it can cause this.
What are coral reefs?
This colorful home for fish is dying because of warming oceans.
What is climate?
General weather conditions over a long period of time.
What is radiation?
This form of thermal energy transfer can bounce off of the Earth's surface and go back into space.
What is sea level?
Scientists predict that this will rise three to six feet or more in coming decades.
What is limestone?
This kind of rock in Florida's aquifer is too porous to keep out the ocean's salt water.
What are trees?
These tallest living organisms can utilize CO2 and produce oxygen.
What is weather?
Temporary and local conditions in an area (sunny, rainy, windy, for example).
What is water vapor (or humidity)?
This evaporated gas forms faster from warmer oceans, and can cause superstorms and floods.
What is expand?
Ocean water does this as it gets warmer.
What are fossil fuels?
Coal, oil and gas are also known as these ancient sources of chemical energy.
Who is Mahatma Ghandi?
This leader in India said, "Live simply that others may simply live".
What are superstorms?
Extreme hurricanes, tornadoes, and typhoons.
What is the sun?
Its surface is about 10,000 degrees Farenheit
What are coastal regions (or coastline)?
Higher tides are a problem for people who live along this part of their county?
What are fires?
Extreme drought can increase the likelihood of these in our forests?
What are polar bears?
These large mammals are heading toward extinction because of melting ice.
What is a drought?
A prolonged period of hot, dry weather.
What is CO2?
This gas is released into the atmosphere by cars and power plants that burn coal, oil, natural gas or biomass for energy.
What is fresh water?
Rising sea levels means that this kind of water may be contaminated by salt water.
What is extinct?
Warming land temperatures are causing many species to become this.
What are humans?
The only life form that can change climate change?