Introduction Octavians fury The end of the triumvirate Octavian attacks The standoff
When did Cleopatra and Mark Antony start their travel from Ephesus
What is 32 BCE
When was Octavia formally divorced
What is 32 BCE
What happened to the triumvirate in the end of 32 BCE
What is the pact that had formed the triumvirate was due to expire
What was the first thing that Octavian's fleet attack
What is one of Mark Antony's vital outposts
What element will Mark Antony prepare to engage Octavius in
What is sea
How did the greeks think of Mark Antony
What is fondly
What the reason that Octavian lashed out at Mark Antony
What is his popularity was very low and he blamed it on the upcoming battle which Mark Antony was his opponent
What would happen if the agreement was not renewed
What is Mark Antony would lose his position as head of the Eastern part of the Republic
What happened to Mark Antony's supply line when it fell into Octavian's hands
What is it cut off all of Mark Antony's supplies from Greece
How many ships did Mark Antony leave to confront Octavian in
What is 60
What big city did Cleopatra and Mark Antony move to while they awaited their army
What is Athens
What did Octavian do in Italy to make his popularity go to an all time low
What is he increased taxes and cut services to get funds for the upcoming conflict
Why did Octavian think that Cleopatra needed to be stopped
What is She had threatened to take control of every roman like she did to Mark Antony
What did Octavian need to keep the enemy ships trapped in the bay
What is only a few of his own ships guarding the entrance
What weakened Mark Antony's troops
What is disease and malnutrition
What island did set out for on their first voyage before heading t the big city
What is Samos
What place did Mark Antony want to move to be the capitol instead of Rome
What is Alexandria
What did Octavian do to declare war on Cleopatra
What is he dipped a javelin in blood and threw it across a plain
What did Mark Antony think of Octavian's troops
What is he thought of them as inferior and easy to conquer
What did Octavian have that kept him from engaging Mark Antony's troops
What is luck, geography, and time
Where did the greeks place the statues of Cleopatra and Mark Antony in the city
What is in a sacred temple
What would have happened if Mark Antony had invaded Italy in the summer of 32 BCE
What is Octavian would have suffered a stunning defeat
What was the plain called that Octavian used to declare war on Cleopatra
What is the Mars Plain
What gave Octavian's army a chance to go to land
What is all of Mark Antony's ships went to assist the outposts that where under siege
Why did Mark Antony order men to load the sails onto the boat
What is because he wanted Cleopatra to make a safe getaway if she had the chance

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