Coming into Classroom | When I am working | Other people in class | Wolf Bucks | When I need help |
What is how you come into class ?
Sit down at your desk quietly when class starts.
What is best
I need to try my
What is personal space?
I need respect other people's ____ (2 words)
What is being safe, respectful and responsible?
I can earn wolf bucks for being (3 things)
What is raise?
I quietly ___ my hand
What is my folder?
Grab from my cubbie
What is help
I raise my hand when I need
What is respect
I ____other people's thoughts or ideas
What is two?
If i need to go to the bathrom, I have to pay ___ wolf bucks
What is do not?
I ___ my teachers name a million times to get her attention
What is warm-up?
Start working on my
What is instructions
I need to follow _____ otherwise I wont know what to do
What is safe?
To make sure no one gets hurt, I need to be
What is two
If I asked for permission to use headphones, it costs ___ wolf bucks.
What is patient?
I am ___ until the teacher can get to me
What is a stamp?
Raising my hand to get a
What is charged
My chromebook needs to be ______ so I can do my work
What is responsible?
I am ____ for my own actions and words
What is five
When it is appropriate, I can use the bean bags, papasan or office chairs for ___ wolf bucks
What is permission
I stay in my seat until I have ____ to get up
What is done?
wait patiently and quietly until everyone is
What is my indoor voice
I need to use my _______ so I do not disturb others
What is listen?
I always _____ to what the teacher says.
What is lose
I can ___ wolf bucks if I do not follow the classroom expectations.
What is manners
I make sure to use my ___ when the teacher or anyone helps or gives me something.