What to Bring To Class Around the Room Grading Breakdown Classroom Procedures Random Procedures
What is a charged chromebook
What is the most important thing to bring to EVERY class EVERY day
What is on the metal shelf at the front of the room
Where do you find your math books
What is 10%
What percentage of your grade are starters
What is in a straight line towards the stairs but not in the elevator hole
How should we line up in the hallway
What is raise your hand and wait to be called on
What should you do when you want to answer a question in class
What is a pencil
What should you make sure you have sharpened and ready to use at the beginning of each class
What is on the grey cube cabinet in the tub that says pencils
Where would you locate a spare pencil if you do not have one
What is 20%
What percentage of your grade is homework
What is working on your starter
What should you be doing as soon as you enter the classroom
What is first ask if you can go to the bathroom, when the teacher says yes, fill out an e-hallpass and wait fir teacher to approve
What should you do if you need to go to the bathroom
What is a calculator
What should you bring to school everyday to help you solve math problems
What is on the shelf to the right as you enter the room
Where should you pick up any daily work
What is 10%
What percentage of your grade is participation
Who is the book distributers
Who should be up and walking around the room at the beginning of class
What is walk quietly and directly to your location
What should you do when walking down the hallway
What is my math book
What should you bring to class if you accidentally take it home or pick up once you come into class
What is in the white 3 drawer turn in box by the door
Where should you turn in any work that is not collected during class
What is 20%
What percentage of your grade is Delta Math
What is when Mrs. Sellers directs you to do so
When should you start packing up at the end of class
What is line up quickly and quietly at the door, wait for Mrs. Sellers to come to the door, teacher will be the first to exit the room, walk quietly down the hallway and out the back door, across the street to the sidewalk beside the elementary school
What should you do if there is a fire drill
What is our purple math folder
What should you bring to class each day to store any material needed for this class
What is in the crate labeled "what did I miss" at the back of the room
Where would you locate any work if you have been absent
What is 40%
What percentage of your grade are tests/quizzes
What is 4 pencils and 2 calculators
What should be in your caddy before leaving class
What is quickly and quietly move to the wall in front of the blue cabinets, sit down and be silent
What should you do if we are out under a hard lockdown

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