Birds | Fish | Reptiles | Mammals | Insects |
What is classification?
The science of organizing categories for living things.
What is a fish?
An aquatic animal having gills, fins, and a body covered with scales.
What is a monotreme?
A mammal that lays eggs
What is flatworm, round worm, or segmented worms?
Name a kind of worm.
What are arthropods?
These are the most numerous animal group on Earth.
What is a vertebrate?
An animal that has a backbone.
What is an amphibian?
An animal that spends part of its life in the water and part of its life on land.
What is a marsupial?
A pouched mammal
What are amphibians?
Frogs and salamanders are this.
What are mollusks?
Snails, clams, and squids are this.
What is an invertebrate?
An animal that does not have a backbone.
What is a bird?
An animal with two legs, two wings, feathers, and hollow light weight bones.
What is a placental mammal?
A mammal that develops within its mother.
What is reptile?
Lizards, snakes, and turtles are this.
What are tube feet?
Echinoderms have these of feet.
What is warm-blooded?
An animal with a constant body temperature.
What is a reptile?
A true land animal with one or two lungs, they usually have thick, scaly, waterproof skin.
What is radial symmetry?
Cnidarians, like jellyfish and sea anemones have this kind of symmetry.
What is a monotreme?
A platypus is an example of this.
What are cartilaginous fish?
Sharks and rays are these kind of fish.
What is cold-blooded?
An animal that cannot regulate its own body temperature.
What is a mammal?
An animal that produces milk, has hair or fur, and large brains.
What is bilateral symmetry?
A worm would have this kind of symmetry?
What is a marsupial?
Kangaroos are examples of this.
What is a bony fish?
These fish have a nerve cord covered by bone.