Greek Gods | Odysseus | Hercules | Titans | Other Mythological Creatures |
Who is Hephaestus
The god of fire and blacksmith
Who is Polyphemus
The Cyclops Odysseus blinded
What is Heracles
Hercules's Greek name
Who is Helios
Titan of the sun
What is a centaur
Half man half horse
who is Dionysus
The god of wine
What is the war of Troy
Where Odysseus was coming from
who is Zeus
Hercules father
Who is Oceanus
Titan of the sea
What is a satyr
Half man half goat
Who is Poseidon
God of earthquakes
Who is Calypso
The nymph that captured Odysseus
Who is Apollo
Hercules got in trouble with this god
Who is Coeus
Titan of inelegance
What is Hippocampi
Half horse half fish
Who is Athena
Goddess of war
What is 7 years
How long Calypso had Odysseus
What is his wife and two children
Hercules killed these people
Who is Uranus
Titan of the sky
What is Merpeople
Half man half fish
Who is Hestia
Goddess of the hearth
What is the Trojan Horse
How the Greeks won the war
What is the twelve labors of Hercules
Hercules did tasks so the gods would forgive him
Who is Gaea
Titan of Earth
What is Onocentaur
Half man half donkey