Genres of Crime: Property Crime | Genres of Crime: White Collar and Green Collar Crime | Genres of Crime: Substance Abuse | Genres of Crime: Cybercrime | Genres of Crime: Political Crime and Terrorism |
What is a fence?
This is a term for a professional in a semi-legitimate occupation that makes his/her living selling stolen goods
What is 'both types of crime involve offenders that twist legal rules to their own benefit'?
This is the correlation between white collar and green collar crime
What are economic, systemic, and pharmacological?
These are the three patterns of drug - related violence
What is copyright infringement / illegal file sharing?
This is the genre of crime you are committing by uploading or downloading media without paying for it
What is treason?
This is an act of disloyalty to a nation or state and what Julian Assange and Edward Snowden are being prosecuted for by the US government
What are knowing the skills to commit profitable burglaries, able to work with a team/team up, having the inside information to commit the crime and knowing buyers/fences for stolen goods?
These are the four key requirements for recognition as being a 'good burglar'
What is health care fraud / billing for services that were never rendered / upbilling / double charging patients?
This type of white collar crime occurs because health care providers rarely provide itemized billing reports unless forced to
What is victim - precipitated [homicide]?
This phrase made popular by Luckenbill refers to when a victim of a crime played a direct role in his or her becoming a victim
What are romance scams / adoption fraud / secret shoppers , etc?
These are three forms of etailing fraud
What are illegal acts that are intended to undermine an existing government and threaten its survival?
This not only the definition of political crime but also the inherent justification for its occurrence
What is embezzlement?
This refers to the improper use of property that is entrusted to an individual for his or her own benefit
What is tax evasion?
This type of white collar crime has been known to occur not only amongst corporate executives but celebrities
What is drunken comportment?
This phrase refers to the norms related to drinking alcohol in certain situations and settings
What is a DOS (denial of service) attack?
This a manner of cyberattack in which a network is flooded in order to prevent individuals from accessing the network
What are political corruption, illegal domestic surveillance, human rights violations, state - corporate crime, and state violence?
State - based political crime entails these five basic components
What is to steal items / make money to support their children?
This is the general reason why women are involved in burglary / theft
What are the legalist, biocentric and environmental justice?
These are the three perspectives on green collar crime
What is routine activities theory?
When illegal drug sales predominant legitimate business in an area, this theory may offer a suitable explanation to crime that occurs in that area
What is phishing/carding or spoofing?
These explain how some identity thieves trick victims into providing their account information directly to them
What is espionage?
This is defined as the practice of obtaining information about a government, organization or society considered secret without permission
What is starting a family?
This is a main reason why men would stop being involved in burglary
What is illegal pollution [as a result of negligence / improper capping of an underwater oil well]?
This type of green crime is what BP was guilty of in 2010
What is alcohol?
This is the drug that is most commonly linked with violent behavior
What is cyberbullying?
This is willful, harmful behavior towards another using cell phones and the internet
What are it's not right, it's not fair, it's your fault and you're evil?
These are the four incremental stages to becoming a political criminal
This is how a ponzi scheme works