Theories of Crime: Chapter 7 | Theories of Crime Chapter 7 and 8 | Theories of Crime Chapter 8 - 9 | Theories of Crime Chapter 9 | Genres of Crime: Property Crime |
What are appeal to higher loyalties, condemnation of the condemners, denial of injury, denial of responsibility and denial of victim?
These are the five components to Neutralization Theory
What is the theory of the Looking Glass Self?
This contends that our conception of self (our own self) is constructed by what we think others think of us, based on our own interpretation of others' physical reactions of us (Blumer)
What is that critical criminology fails to address the problems that occur in socialist societies and it fails to explain why some capitalist countries have very low crime rates?
These are the most crippling criticisms of critical criminology, particularly with regard to its economic explanation of how crime occurs
What is trajectory theory?
This theory is the combination of latent trait and life course theories
What are petite larceny and grand larceny?
These are the two genres of theft recognized by law
What is attachment theory?
This is the only theory that explains why people DON'T commit crime
What is critical (race, feminist) theory / critical criminology?
This group of theories focuses on crime through the lens of conflict theory - hint: these theories generally focus on a perspective from a specific demographic group, e.g. race, gender, sexual preference
Who are Sampson and Laub?
These individuals are responsible for developing what we know today as Life Course Theory
What is a constant latent trait?
This type of latent trait is inflexible and unchanging and is related to psychological and biological conditions
What is the swoop and squat?
This auto maneuver is also called the leap frog and is used in fraudulent auto accident claims
What is direct conditioning?
This is the use of negative stimuli or loss of a positive reward to shape behavior - as in the loss of privileges while incarcerated
A political concept designed to protect the power and position of the upper classes at the expense of the poor
This is how critical criminologists define crime
What is restorative justice?
This concept requires that society address victims' harms and needs, hold offenders accountable to put right those wrongs & involve victims, offenders and communities to work together to heal
What are adolescent - limited offenders and life course persisters?
These are the two classes of offenders per trajectory theory
What is a Honda Civic?
This is the type of car that is stolen most frequently
What is symbolic interactionism?
This theory contends that people use symbols, signs or gestures that mean something else to communicate with one another
What is labeling theory?
This theory explains in a nutshell why we do not release the names of minors who commit crimes in most cases
What is latent trait theory?
This theory holds that human development is controlled by certain master traits that are relatively stable and present at birth or soon after and govern an individual's propensity to commit crime
What is that people change?
This is one of the most major challenges to the General Theory of Crime
What are forcible entry, unlawful entry without force, and attempted forcible entry?
These are the three subclasses of burglary
What is commitment?
This component of Hirschi's theory contended that important relationships prevent people from committing crime
What is structural theory?
Within critical criminology, this theory argues that the law isn't the exclusive domain of the rich; it's used to maintain long-term interests of capitalist system & to control members of any class who threaten its existence
What are marriage and a career?
These are the two major life events, according to life course theory, that can interrupt a path toward crime and redirect the path outside of crime per Sampson and Laub
What is the evolving latent trait?
If a child moved across the country and started a new school and made new associations, this would be the type of latent trait affected related to his/her likelihood to commit crime
What are novice, journeyman and professional?
These are the steps of the career ladder for those involved in burglary