Theories of Crime Chapter 5 | Theories of Crime Chapter 5 | Theories of Crime Chapter 6 | Theories of Crime: Chapter 6 | Theories of Crime Chapter 6 - 7 |
What are biological conditions?
Exposure to harmful chemicals while in utero, such as alcohol, cigarette smoke, environmental contaminants such as mold or other air/water contaminants, poor or insufficient diet or unbalanced hormones may lead to criminal behavior later in life
What is social learning theory?
This theory contends that people are not born violent but learn violent tendencies
Who is Quetlet?
This was the first theorist to assert that age and gender are the strongest predictive characteristics toward criminality
What is conspicuous consumption?
This theory examines how people have a tendency to purchase goods or services that exhibit wealth in order to gain or maintain social status in society--may function to exacerbate strain
What is 'anomie'?
This means 'normlessness' or 'without norms'
What are 'supermales' or XYY syndrome or Jacob's Syndrome?
This is a potential genetic explanation for excessive aggression among males
What is personality?
This is defined as relatively stable patterns of behavior that define an individual as unique
The ecological approach OR The Chicago School
This examines a people not places approach to studying crime
What is [Merton's] Strain Theory?
This theory asserts that crime is inevitable in a capitalist society and thus those that are unable to attain mainstream goals through conventional means will resort to less or unconventional means to attain them, or create new goals or means entirely
What are 'decent families'?
This term was coined by Elijah Anderson and refers to persons of a specific culture who must convey a certain element of machismo or toughness in public but are polite, respectful and articulate in the confines of their home
What are neurophysiological conditions?
Brain damage or defect that affects brain activity and its relation to life course criminal activity
What is Sadistic Personality Disorder?
A person suffering from this would prefer the 'S' in S & M
Who is Durkheim?
This guy studied suicides and first developed the concept of anomie
What is cultural deviance theory?
This theory is the love child of [Merton's] Strain Theory and Social Disorganization theory
What is Cloward and Ohlin's differential opportunity?
This refers to the phenomena that those in the lower classes / lower socioeconomic strata have limited means to achieve the conventionally accepted goals in society
What are the id, the ego and the superego?
These are the three components of the personality according to Freud?
What is antisocial personality disorder (APD)?
This is the proper term for what used to be referred to as a 'sociopath' or 'psychopath'
What is the Underclass?
This refers to a group within the population that live in specific areas that are prone to generations of poverty
What is relative deprivation?
This concept refers to the phenomena that occurs when economically wealthy live in close proximity to the poor
What is 'parental efficacy'?
This refers to a parent's ability to normalize or properly socialize a child's behavior
What is attachment theory?
This theory argues that an offender commits crime because s/he wasn't hugged enough
What is the Nurture Theory?
This argues that intelligence is more social
What is social disorganization?
A major challenge to this theory is that it focuses solely on the occurrence of crime in urban areas
What is cultural transmission?
This term refers to the transmission of values and beliefs within a subculture that allows them to be passed down through the generations and permits the values of the subculture to continue to exist
What is differential association?
This theory contends that crime is learned and that learning is a byproduct of social interaction; it further states that criminal techniques are learned