Experimental Design Experimental Design Experimental Designs Quasi Experimental Designs
What is experimentation / an experiment?
This type of research method is best suited for exploratory and explanatory research, especially hypothesis testing
What is a pretest?
This is the process of measuring subjects initially prior to exposure to or association with the independent variable
What is a placebo?
This is what is given to subjects in a study that are part of a control group if we do not want the subjects to know who is and is not receiving treatment
What are non-equivalent groups designs and time series designs?
These are the two primary designs of quasi - experiments
What are variables, time order, measures, and groups and independent and dependent variables, pretesting and posttesting, experimental and control groups?
These are the classical or hallmark features and components of the experiment
What is a posttest?
This is a measure of a subject after exposure to an independent variable
What is a double blind experiment?
This is the term used to refer to an experiment where the staff involved in the experiment and the subjects are both unaware of who is and is not receiving treatment
What is a cohort?
This term refers to a group of subjects who enter or leave an institution at the same time
What is an independent variable?
This takes the form of a dichotomous stimulus that is either present or absent in an experiment
What is the control group?
This term refers to the group of subjects that is not given or exposed to the treatment or independent variable
What is to make sure that the experimental and control groups are as similar as possible?
This is the cardinal rule of subject selection in an experiment
What is non-equivalent group design?
This is the kind of quasi experimental design used when random selection of subjects is not possible
What is an experiment?
This is a process of observation, to be carried out in a situation expressly brought about for that purpose
What is the experimental group?
This term refers to the group of subjects that is given the treatment we are testing
What is randomization / random assignment?
This process of subject selection ensures that the results may be generalized to the entirety of the population in question and that the sole difference in groups of subjects is the application of the treatment
What is a longitudinal study?
This type of study examines a series of observations over an extended period of time
What is the dependent variable?
This is referred to as the outcome or the effect and may take the form of physical conditions, social behavior, attitudes, feelings, or beliefs
What is the Hawthorne effect?
We refer to this when we want to exhibit the importance of using experimental and control groups
What is that the conclusions drawn from experimental results may not reflect what went on in the experiment?
This is what we are concerned about when there are threats to internal validity
What is variable - oriented research?
This type of research examines a large number of variables in a small number of cases or subjects

CJL 305: Research Methods Board 4 Chapter 7

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