Chapter 5: Conceptualization and Measurement | Chapter 5: Conceptualization and Measurement | Chapter 5 - 6 |
What are concepts?
These are words, phrases, or symbols in language that used to represent these mental images in communication
What is a conceptual definition?
This provides a working definition for a term and a focus to our observations
What is [the] ordinal [level of measurement]?
This level of measurement allows variables to be logically rank ordered
What is a dimension?
This is a specifiable aspect of a concept - the specifications of which are referred to as 'indicators'
What are exhaustive and mutually exclusive?
These are two very important qualities that every variable should have
What is the split-half method?
This method of dealing with reliability issues suggests researchers should make more than one method of measuring any particular concept
What is reification?
This is the process of regarding things as real that are not
What is [the] ratio [level of measurement]?
This level of measurement is the only level that has a true zero point
What are composite measures?
This type of measure uses indexes of different indicators; each indicator measured at the ordinal level and are used when a single indicator is insufficient for measuring variances in a concept
What is a conception?
This is the mental image we have about something
What is [the] nominal [level of measurement]?
This is the lowest level of measurement possible and is merely labels that describe characteristics
What are assaults and robberies?
These crimes are not measured well by police records
What is the operational definition [of a concept]?
This indicates how a concept will be measured for the purposes of a specific study
What is reliability?
____________________ does not ensure accuracy as the results obtained may be incorrect each and every time
What is summary level?
The UCR is a ________________ - level measure of crime that does not allow for the study of individual criminal incidents