Civil War | The Union | The Confederacy | Reconstruction | After the War |
When was 1861?
The year the Civil War war was fought in.
Where is South Carolina?
First state to secede from the Union.
What is an ironclad?
The first to make ships out of iron also known as...
Who was John Wilkes Booth?
Who murdered president Lincoln during the reconstruction period?
What is segregation?
Main problem after the war. (Hint:Races)
Who are the Union and the Confederates?
The two forces fighting in the civil war. (don't use the terms "the north and the south)
What are solders?
The union had more __ than the confederates.
Who is Jefferson Davis?
The President of the Confederacy.
To have the south back in the union.
What was the main reason for the reconstruction period?
What is the 13th Amendment?
Amendment that abolished slavery
What is a draft?
When people were recruited for war and military service.
Who is Abraham Lincoln?
The President of the Union at the time of the Civil war.
What are slaves?
African american people the southerners used for survival.
What is a carpetbagger?
A term used by southerners portraying northerners who came to the south during the reconstruction, they had bags made of carpet.
What is the 14th Amendment?
Amendment that granted former slaves citizenship.
What is the civil war?
The bloodies american war.
What is slavery?
What the Union was against.
Where is Appomattox court house, VA
The location where the Confederacy surrendered.
What is the black codes and the klu klux clan?
Two major problems against blacks in the reconstruction period? (Hint:Codes and a Group)
What is the 15th Amendment?
Amendment that granted slaves the right to vote.
Who are Ulysses S. Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, and William McKinley?
The future presidents who fought in the war.
How much is 234 Million dollars?
The amount of money the Union printed and coined during the Civil War.
Who was General Robert E. Lee?
The general of the confederate army
Who is Andrew Johnson
The first president to be impeached, but survived by one vote.
Who is Hiram Revels?
The first african American elected to congress.