Battles Legislation People Places Reconstruction
The battle of Fort Sumter was the first battle in South Carolina.
What battle was the first one located in South Carolina?
The emancipation proclamation was written by Abraham Lincoln.
Who wrote the emancipation proclamation?
The president of the union was Abraham Lincoln.

Who was the president of the union?
Fort Sumter is located in South Carolina.
Where is Ft. Sumter located?
The freedman's Bureau was an important agency in early reconstruction that helped freed slaves and poor whites after the civil war.
What was the freedmen's Bureau?
The battle of Chickamauga was the second bloodiest battle in the civil war. This battle was won by the south(Confederates).
Which battle was considered the 2nd bloodiest battle in the civil war? Who won?

The compromise of 1850 consisted of 5 laws that had to do with slavery and territory expansion. This compromise admitted California as a free state.
What was the compromise of 1850?
Robert E. Lee was a confederate general known for his service to the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War
Who was Robert E. Lee?
Atlanta, GA
Where was the south’s railroad hub located?
The KKK was formed in 1865.
When was the KKK formed?
The Union blockade was a plan created by the North to block all South ports to stop the shipping of cotton. This blockade was unsuccessful at first. The Union blockade was also known as the Anaconda plan.
What was the union blockade? What was another name for the union blockade?
The fugitive slave law required that any runaway slaves had to be returned to their slaver upon capture. In addition, officials and citizens of free states must cooperate.
What did the Fugitive slave law do?
Jefferson Davis was an American politician who served as the president of the Confederate States from 1861 to 1865.
How was Jefferson Davis important to the Civil war?
Atlanta was important to the civil war because it was the main railroad hub of the south. If the union captured Atlanta the war could end sooner.
Why was Atlanta an important place in the Civil war?
All of these amendments were part of the new reconstruction era. These amendments had a lot to do with freed slaves.
How were the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments important?
Sherman's march to the sea was a campaign set by Sherman to capture the city of Atlanta in 1864. Sherman's march to the sea left the city of Atlanta smoldering and in ruins. Sherman wanted to capture Atlanta because it was a major railroad hub.
What was Sherman's march to the sea and how did it affect the civil war? Why was this campaign brought up?
Many believe that the emancipation proclamation freed ALL slaves. The emancipation proclamation only freed slaves in rebelling states.
What was the emancipation proclamation often mistaken for in terms of what it did?
Abraham Lincoln made an effort to stop the spread of slavery. In addition, He wrote the emancipation proclamation and was the president of the union.
What did Abraham Lincoln do during the civil war?
Andersonville prisoners were starved, dehydrated, and murdered. Many of the things done to these prisoners were inhuman and resulted in the death of many prisoners.
What were some of the horrors at Andersonville Prison?
The Jim Crow laws enforced racial segregation in the Southern U.S
What did the Jim Crow laws do?

The scorched earth policy was a military strategy that aimed to destroy anything that might be useful to the enemy.
What was the scorched earth policy?
The Missouri compromise was passed in 1820 admitting Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state.
What was the Missouri compromise?
Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson was a Confederate general during the American Civil War and became one of the best-known Confederate commanders after General Robert E. Lee.
Who was Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson
Richmond, Virginia, was the capital of the Confederate States of America for almost all of the American Civil War. It was a vital source of weapons and supplies.
Why was Richmond, VA important to the civil war?
The Black codes were laws designed to limit the freedom of African Americans and ensure their availability of cheap labor after slavery was abolished during the Civil War.
What were the black codes?

Civil war

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