CAP On the Map | All About Aerospace | Cadet Challenge | Air Force Facts | Grab Bag |
What is fifty two?
There are this many WINGS in the Civil Air Patrol.
What are lift, thrust, weight, and drag?
These are the four forces of flight.
What are aerospace education, emergency services and the cadet program?
These are the three missions of CAP.
What are Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence in all we do?
These are the Air Force core values.
What are two boats from Germany?
CAP sank this many boats in WWII and this is who they were operated by.
What are Washington D.C. (National Capitol Wing) and Puerto Rico?
Along with the 50 states, there are two remaining wings.
What is Cessna?
This company has supplied most CAP aircraft in the last few decades.
What is CAPR 39-1?
This is the CAP uniform regulation designation.
Who was Billy Mitchell?
This person was a famous Air Force Brig. General who advocated air power for future wars.
What is December 1, 1941?
This was the date CAP was founded.
What is eight?
There are this many REGIONS in CAP.
What are the flaps?
This device is used to reduce the stall speed of the aircraft thereby giving the pilot more speed control during landing.
What is, "I pledge that I will serve faithfully in the Civil Air Patrol Cadet Program..."?
Recite the cadet oath.
What is "To fly, fight, and win… airpower anytime, anywhere"?
This is the Air Force mission statement.
What is 560?
This many aircraft are currently in CAP's fleet (as of 2020).
What is Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama?
The National Headquarters for CAP is located here.
What is the vertical speed indicator?
This device in the cockpit measures the climb and descent rate of the aircraft in feet per minute.
What is "Semper Vigilans"?
This is CAP's motto.
What is the F-16 Fighting Falcon?
This is the most common fighter aircraft currently in the USAF arsenal.
Who are Maj Gen Edward D. Phelka and Col Peter K. Bowden?
These two people are the national and OHWG commander, respectively.
What are North Central, Great Lakes, Southeast and Mid-Atlantic?
Name four REGIONS in CAP.
What are longitudinal, lateral, and vertical?
These are the three axes of flight.
What are The Wright Brothers, Mitchell, Earhart, Eaker and Spaatz?
These are all 5 of the cadet AWARDS.
What are Global Strike Command, Materiel Command, and Air Mobility Command?
These are three USAF MAJCOMS.
What is alpha, bravo, charlie, delta, echo, etc.
Recite the entire phonetic alphabet in order.