What is Tyra Bank's confirmation number for her January 12, 2020 flight?
Retrieve record 22B6ZO for Johnson. What is Jeffery’s DOB?
Visa – last four #2432
Retrieve record 4HHVKD for Carrie Underwood. What is the original FOP?
Retrieve record KRUTMX for Saunders. Did Celeste check her bag on time for her ABQ/LAS flight #1197?
Flight numbers 440.
Retrieve record QSB465 for Rachel Majewski. Which flight(s) did this Customer travel on?
[email protected] 03/26/2021 @0956
Retrieve record 24BTTK for Maria Peoples. What is the e-mail address in the reservation and when was it sent?
Dec 01, 2020, at 2:37pm
Retrieve record 2YCHDS for Gary Kelly. What is the date and time this reservation was made?
Retrieve record 2J3RA7 for John Brown. What was the base fare for this Customer?
$277.78 exchanged from LFJ567 and $60.20 exchanged from JCOD4U
Retrieve record TZTXJW for Rachel Majewski. How did this Customer purchase this reservation?
The Customers never traveled. The reservation was held and never purchased.
Retrieve record 2E78SG for Lee Jones. What time did the Customers board Flight #896?
Two bags and AUS Kiosk
Retrieve record 2AC5ED for Michael Williams. How many bags did this Customer check on the outbound flight and where were they checked?
No, his Companion Eylse, traveled on 4LQR9R
Retrieve record 4LM9FS for Kardashian. Did the Customer travel alone?
V Class
Retrieve record 2J3RA7 for John Brown. Which fare class is this Customer booked in?
The Customer was un-checked from the outbound flight. On 09/08/2021 Flt #1513 @12:33
Retrieve record 37UJTI for Gina Cho. Was the Customer un-checked from any flights? If so, what date and time?
Internal exchange ticket number 5261463226878 ($11.20) and LP (FQTR)
Retrieve record 4F3XG5 for Alma Weir. What is the most recent FOP for the ticket?