Heart attack | Stroke | Asthma | Anaphylaxis | Miscellaneous! |
True or false: you should always call 911 if you suspect a heart attack?
What is FAST?
Face Arm Speech Time
When assessing someone for a stroke, you should follow this acronym: _ _ _ _
pet dander;
dust; exercise; perfume; cigarette smoke; allergens
Name two potential triggers of an asthma attack.
Read labels (on food products);
Avoid sharing food with others; Wearing a medic alert; Informing others about their allergy
Name two measures one can take to be prepared or reduce the risk of exposure to a certain food allergen.
excessive thirst; confusion; anxiety; cool/ pale/ sweaty skin
Shock is referred to as a "lack of blood flow to the tissues". Name 3 signs or symptoms of shock.
Pain in chest, shoulder, jaw;
shortness of breath; fatigue; gastric discomfort; denial
Name 3 signs or symptoms of a heart attack.
FALSE! The individual may be experiencing bleeding in the brain (thus blood thinners are contraindicated).
True or false: aspirin can also be used to treat a stroke?
What is an inhaler (ventolin)?
*Ventolin is a bronchodilator (thus it opens the person's airway and allows them to breathe).
As a first aider, I can administer the individual a medication called an _________.
Orange to the thigh; blue to the sky
(Thumb and fingers go around the shaft and hold it in for 10 seconds).
When administering the Epipen, the orange side goes into the person's ______ and blue goes to the _______.
This person may be require surgery (thus the stomach must be empty).
True or false:
It is ok to give someone water if they are thirsty after suffering from severe internal bleeding. |
What is aspirin (ASA)?
*If low dose ASA (81mg), take 2; if regular dose (325mg), take 1.
If the individual is not allergic, they should chew either one or two of these pills.
Numbness/ drooping on one side of the body;
severe headache; difficulty speaking or understanding; vision problems (blindness/ dizziness)
Name 3 signs or symptoms of a stroke.
Call 911!
If the individual doesn't improve after taking their medication, I must: _________.
What is chocolate :(?
What is Alessandra allergic to????
What are erectile dysfunction drugs (e.g. Viagra, Levitra, Cialis)?
*Yes, women take these meds as well.
Nitroglycerine is contraindicated for individuals who have taken this type of medication in the last 2-3 days.
What is nitroglycerine?
This heart medication is a vasodilator (lowers BP) and is administered under the tongue.
What is a transient ischemic attack (TIA)?
Yes! This is a warning sign that a major stroke is imminent!
A mini-stroke is know as a _ _ _. Would I still call 911 for this?
What is an aerochamber (spacer)?
If the individual has this device, they should use this to help them administer their medication.
What is administer the second Epipen (into the opposite thigh).
In every instance of anaphylaxis, you must call 911!
If the person doesn't improve within 5 minutes after taking their Epipen, you must ________.
blanket or sweater; call 911.
When treating someone for shock, I must remain ______. I will give the person a _______ (for warmth) and call _____.