Materials Policy Procedure Library 101 Library Cards
What is SC State Park Pass?
Can be checked out for one week, allow patrons to visit multiple places around the state, cannot be renewed or placed on hold.
What are claims returned?
When a patron claims that they have returned an item, but the library staff cannot locate it. The library staff will then look for the item for a month.
What is staff initals, branch, and date. (ex. AK BCL BLU 10.05.21)
Notes on patrons account should have this information listed at the end.
What are the volunteers?
Have to be at least sixteen years of age and have to be verified through Beaufort County.
What is the $40 non-resident fee?
This fee has to be paid by anyone who isn't a Beaufort County Resident but wants a library card.
What is a Playaway?
Alternative to a CD, this item allows patrons to walk around while listening to a book.
What is a driver's license?
If a patron doesn't have their library card with them, they can use this to check out a book.
What is the problem shelf?
Items that have been damaged in any sort of way are put here.
What is the Bluffton Friends of the Library?
This organization sells books and uses that money to fund library programs, and lease plans for books.
What is proof of residency?
Current bills, magazines, or any sort of mail is useful for establishing what?
What are the Great Courses?
Housed in large white cases these come in DVD and CD’s and are educational.
What is 4 months?
The amount of time a patron can have an item out before the system marks the item as LOST.
What is $20?
The highest currency accepted at BCL.
What is the Bluffton Renovation?
To accommodate the growing Bluffton population and the ever changing needs of the community, this project was started in March 2021.
What is a patron search?
This must be done prior to issuing a library card, to make sure that one doesn't already exist.
What is a ukulele?
Musical instrument that can be checked out by patrons only at the Bluffton Branch.
What is $7?
The maximum fine for overdue items.
What is getting a manager?
The best solution for when a patron becomes upset.
What is VITA/AARP?
These organizations come every year to assist patrons with FREE tax assistance.
What is Online Card Application?
Created during the pandemic, this allows patrons to obtain their library card information without having to come into the building?
What is 914?
This category in the nonfiction section is very popular and provides knowledge for far off places.
What are holds?
Patrons can only have a maximum amount of ten of these on their account, and they have to be picked up within 7 days of their arrival at the branch.
What is lucky 7?
This password is given at the Bluffton Branch if the alarm is tripped.
What is 'Where is the bathroom?'
This question is the most popular one at the library.
What is update their library card expire date?
Patrons have to verify their information every two years in order to do this.


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