Code med doses | ETT | Medication use | What do I do if..... | How often do I..... |
What is .01mg/kg or 10mcg/kg
What is on the airway card
Where to find suction depth
What is SVT
What is disconnect from patient, then open it. No blouses!
Drip line clamped
What is every 24 hrs, 1 hour before leaving for surgery/procedure
Chg bath!
What is 1meq/kg
What is double the ett size
What size suction catheter do you use
What is bradycardia (intubation med)
What is try once to put it back in, if not pull code bell! Try smaller size
Trach comes out
What is every 48 hours
Change bags/carriers
What is 100mg/kg
What is every 4 hours (cicu policy)
Frequency of oral care
What is hypotension for pulmonary hypertension kids
What is cover site with the Vaseline gauze (which should be taped to pleuravac!!!)
Chest tube comes out
What is every 4 hours
Change Pulsox site
What is 2-4 joules/kg
What is respiratory!
Who can you bag/suction with
What is to keep the pda open
What is make sure to match minute volume on ventilator, go up on the rate, be sure to come back down when awake
We paralyze to re-tape ett
What is q 15 x4, q30 x2, then q 2 hours for 24 hours, Doppler if <1year
Assess pulses after Cath
What is 5mg/kg
What is 2 liters
What's the lowest possible nasal cannula flow to use for nitric administration
What is TET spell , hypotension sometimes
What is (cry) notify med team immediately, put in kaps,
I give a wrong med
What is every 12 hours or after a med (only an option if <6 accesses in 24 hours)
Heparin lock a picc line