Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer | Songs | The north pole | Cookie |
What is Rudolphs dads name
What activity inspired " Jinjel bells"
A town lead sled race
Who makes cookies for Santa
Mrs. Clause
What is a cookie with sugar
Every cookie
What was the girl's name that was Rudolphs friend
What brings frosty the snowman to life
A magical hat
What is helping Santa in December
What is a cookie that is plane with little chunks of chocolate
Chocolate chip cookies
What is his mom's name
Mrs. Donner
In the song “Mr. Grinch,” what is his brain full of?
Black spiders
What is cold and wet
What is me/ Ellie's favorite cookie
M&M monster
What was the snowman's name in the movie called
Sam the snowman
In Santa Claus is Coming to Town, the singer tells children, “You better not cry” and “You better not _____.”
How many reindeer pull Santa's sleigh
What is moms favorite cookie
Chocolate chip
In the song what was the first-named reindeer
Who has a button nose?
Frosty the snowman
True or false: Santa always wears red
What is the most famous cookie