Movies | Food | Songs | Santa | Traditions |
What is Home Alone
Keep the change, ya filthy animal
What is Japan
They celebrate Christmas eating KFC
What is Last Christmas
Name this song
What is 9
How many reindeer does Santa have?
What is kissing
What does this Christmas parasitic plant do to people?
What is Die Hard
On Christmas eve John goes to visit his wife at the Nakatomi Plaza
What is India
They eat Allahabadi cake for Christmas
What is White Christmas
Bing Crosby is dreaming of this kind of Christmas
What is Kris Kringle
Santa's real name
What is India
In this country they decorate banana trees for Christmas
What is The Grinch
In what movie did Jim Carry steal Christmas
What is Australia / New Zealand
They eat barbecue, salads and seafood for Christmass
What is Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Name this song
What is Mrs. Clause
The name of Santa's wife
What is kissing
What does this Christmas parasitic plant do to people?
What is Love Actually
In what movie does Hugh Grant dance?
What is Norway
Roasted sheep head is served for Christmas
What is Mariah Carey
She only wish one thing for Christmas
What is the North Pole
Where does Santa live?
What is Coca-Cola
Santa has been featured in this company's ads since the 1920s
What is Harry Potter
During Christmas they put 12 trees in the Great Hall
What is South Africa
Fried worms are on the menu for Christmas
What is Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer
All of the other reindeer used to laugh and call him names
What is Elves
Santa's little helpers
What is Germany
Where did the modern Christmas tree originate