Home Alone | Elf | A Christmas Story | Santa Clause | How the Grinch Stole Christmas |
Little Nero’s
What is the name of the pizza place Kevin’s family gets a delivery from?
Treat everyday like Christmas
What is the first rule in the Code of the Elves
A duck
What is Chinese turkey?
What is the name of the Denny’s waitress?
In his smile
Where does the Grinch have termites?
How many people are staying at Kevin’s house?
When in New York City, how did Buddy describe the toilets?
What language does Ralphie’s dad think “fragile” is in?
Miracle on 34th St
What movie is Charlie watching as Scott is burning their dinner?
Arsenic Sauce
If the Grinch were a sandwich, what kind of sauce would he come with?
It’s a wonderful life
What movie was Kevin’s family watching in France?
What store does Buddy get a job at?
A football
What does Santa suggest he bring Ralphie instead of a BB gun?
An Oscar Meyer Wiener whistle
What is Neil’s Christmas present he wanted from Santa as a child?
The Grinch
Who carved the roast beast?
Lincoln Blvd
What street do the McCallister’s live on?
What flavor of pop tarts does Buddy use in his spaghetti?
What color eyes did Ralphie say the bully Scut Farkus had?
Key lime disease
What sickness does Scott say the reindeer might have?
Crumbs for the Mouse
What was the last thing the Grinch took from Whoville?
They have worm guts on them
Why can’t Kevin make ornaments out of the fishhooks?
How many cats is the receptionist Debra asked to declaw?
Yankee Doodle
What song was written on the blackboard behind Mrs. Shields?
Effective Liberating Flight Squad
What does E.L.F.S. stand for?
Mount Crumpit
Where does the Grinch live?