Christmas Songs | Christmas Movies | Holidays | Christmas History | Most Popular at Christmas |
What is Jolly
Fill in the blank: Have a holly _____ Christmas
What is Rudolph
Which reindeer has a red nose?
What is Christmas
Which holiday is celebrated with a tree and presents?
What is Yule Tree
What is another name for a Christmas tree, used in Europe?
What is star
What is the most popular item to put on top of a Christmas tree?
What is Rockin'
Fill in the blank: _______ around the Christmas tree
What is he began to dance around
What did Frosty The Snowman do when a magic hat was placed on his head?
What is New Year's Eve
Which holiday is the last day of the year?
What is Saint Nicholas
What is another name for Santa Claus?
What is decorate a Christmas tree
What is the most popular Christmas tradition in America?
What is Holy Night
What words follow “Silent Night” in the song?
What is Santa's bag
In Elf, how does Buddy get to the North Pole?
What is December 21st
What day is winter solstice (the shortest day of the year?)
What is Germany
Which country started the tradition of putting up a Christmas tree?
What is White Christmas by Bing Crosby
What is the best-selling Christmas song ever?
What is join in any reindeer games
What did the other reindeer not let Rudolph do because of his shiny red nose?
What is Believe
In the Polar Express, what word is punched in the main character's ticket?
What is Hannukah
Which holiday is celebrated with 8 days and a menorah?
What is Coca-Cola
What was the first company that used Santa Claus in advertising?
What is Home Alone
Which Christmas movie made the most money of all time?
What is Parson Brown
In the song “Winter Wonderland,” what do we call the snowman?
What is Paris
Where does Kevin's family go in Home Alone?
What is Kwanzaa
Which holiday celebrates African-American culture from December 26 to January 1?
What is England
What country does Egg Nog come from?
What is Silent Night
What Christmas song has been recorded the most times?