T'was the Night Before Christmas | Timeless Tales | Singing Loud For All to Hear | What Child is This?!? | Christmas Tim |
Who is "Elizabeth"?
This mother was sixth month's pregnant when Mary received news of her pregnancy
Who is "the Grinch"?
This furry, green character always wanted to steal Christmas until one day he was successful.
What is "joy"?
This advent theme is declared "to the world" in a famous Christmas hymn
Who is "Jesus"?
We celebrate his birth on Christmas
Who is "Tim Burton"?
This "Tim" is famous for writing and producing "The Nightmare Before Christmas"
Where is "Nazareth"?
While in the womb, Jesus traveled from this Galilean town to his birth place in Bethlehem
What is "elf"?
Will Ferrell stars in this timeless Christmas tale
What is "We Three Kings"?
They are of Orient, bear gifts and traverse afar in this Christmas hymn
Who is "David"?
He is the youngest of Jesse's eight sons
Who is "Tim Allen"?
This "Tim" slowly turns into "the Santa Clause" throughout the course of the movie with the same name
Who is "Gabriel"?
This angel foretold the birth of Jesus to his mother
What is "A Christmas Story"?
If you don't use the bb gun properly, you'll shoot you're eye out in this classic Christmas movie
What is "Mary, did you know"?
In this Christmas song, we ask a question to Jesus' mother
Who is "John the Baptist"?
He is the son of Mary's cousin
Who is "Tiny Tim" Cratchit?
This "Tim" gives thanks at Christmas dinner by saying "God bless us, every one!"