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Jingle Bell Rock
Dancin' and prancin'
Give a kiss
What should you do underneath the mistletoe?
False it is a religious symbol
True or false: the Christmas wreath is a marketing symbol
A Red Rider BB gun
What present does Ralphie want more than anything for Christmas? Be specific
In ‘The Christmas Song’ what was ‘roasting on an open fire’?
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus
If daddy had only seen
Egg Nog
This popular drink is only available around Christmas.
True or False- Ham is the most festive meat
It's a Wonderful Life
What Christmas movie has been played more than any other.
True or false: Before turkey became popular, the traditional Christmas dinner in England included a pig’s head smothered in mustard?
Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!
And I've brought some corn for poppin'
Kris Kringle and St.Nicholas
What Santa's real name(Two answers accepted)
Jingle bells was originally a song for which holiday?
The Ghost of Christmas Past
In "A Christmas Carol", who was the first ghost to appear to Scrooge.
. In Japan, which famous fast-food restaurant brand is a traditional Christmas treat?
Santa Baby
What soda company was the first to use Santa Claus in an advertisement.
Dutch aka the Netherlands
Which country gave us the idea to leave cookies and milk
Where is the McCallister family planning to spend Christmas?
Gingerbread men
In the old days, women in England who wanted to find a husband ate what at Christmas for good luck?
Rockin’ around the Christmas tree
Every couple tries to stop
What country did the gingerbread house come from?
Ten lords-a-leaping
In the song, "The Twelve Days of Christmas" what is given on the 10th day.
Candy, candy corn, candy canes, and syrup
What are the four main food groups for elves? From the movie ELF
A orange
Which fruit was often found in children’s Christmas stockings in the UK and considered to be a luxury?