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Who made the universe?
Who rose from the dead on the third day?
Jesus Christ
What are the name of the first woman and first man on Earth?
Adam and Eve
I can do all things through ____ who strengthens me
How many bones are in the human body?
Jesus Christ
Who is the son of God?
True or false: God will love us unconditionally
Who parted the red sea?
I am the way, the truth and the ____.
how many bones are we born with?
How did Jesus die?
Who is part of the Holy Trinity?
The Father (God), the Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit
Who built an ark and survived a worldwide flood?
Throw all your anxiety unto ___ because He cares about___.
(Him) (You)
How many stars are on the US flag?
50 stars
How many days did it take God to make the earth?
6 days, on the 7th the earth was blessed and sanctified
How do Christians believe a person is saved?
The answer may vary
Who denied Jesus three times?
For it is by____ you have been saved, through faith. And this is not of yourselves it if a ___ of God
(Faith) (Gift)
What is the darkest drawing pencil called?
Where was Jesus born?
Bethlehem Isreal
How many commandments did God give to Moses on Mount Sinai?
What is the name of the angel that told Marry that she would bear Jesus?
Angel Gabriel
For all have ____ and fall short of the glory of God
When was our school built?