Do you know the Board? | CHRIS 180 History | Board Who? | CHRIS 180 Programs | Let's Talk Money |
Who is Cyril Turner?
This person has retired twice.
What is 1981?
This is the year CHRIS 180 was founded.
Who is Lala Larson?
This person owns their own business.
What are Summit Trail apartments?
This is the name of CHRIS 180's supportive housing for single and parenting youth, ages 17-2.
What is CHRIStal Ball?
This is the name of CHRIS 180's largest annual fundraising event.
Who is Lala Larson?
This person has grown their family via adoption.
What is The Junior League of Atlanta, Inc.?
This organization founded CHRIS 180.
Who are Pascal Lewis and Terrin McKay?
These individuals are new to the board this year.
What is CHRIS 180's Integrated Health Clinic?
This is where community members can see a physical and mental health professional together at CHRIS 180.
What is the fund-the-mission?
This is one of the most exciting aspects of CHRIStal Ball involving a fast-talking presenter and hand gestures.
Who is Rebecca Woods?
This person was recently featured in a New York Times article.
What is: to heal children, strengthen families, and build community?
This is CHRIS 180's mission statement.
Who is Maney Mazloom?
This board member has season tickets for Atlanta United.
What is 10,000?
The number children, youth, adults and families served by CHRIS 180.
Who is Susan O'Farrell?
This year's CHRIStal Ball honoree.
Who is Ana Amato?
This person has family members who live outside of the United States.
What is Creativity, Honor, Respect, Integrity and Safety?
These are CHRIS 180's values. They make up the acronym of our name.
Who is Terry Russell, Kathy Colbenson, Ana Amato, Pascal Lewis, Julia Houston and Jay Bernath?
These individuals are Leadership Atlanta graduates.
What is Georgia CHARLEE?
The first name CHRIS 180 was known by when it was founded.
Who are Julia Houston, Terrin McKay & Lori Chennault?
These individuals have been a CHRIStal Ball Chair and sit on the board.
Who is Araya Mesfin?
This person was born in Ethiopia.
What is: to improve our community by providing children, adults, and families with high-quality, trauma-informed behavioral health services and support systems?
This is CHRIS 180's vision statement.
Who is Terrin McKay?
This person is attending the Super Bowl.
What is The Rainbow House?
The name of CHRIS 180's past home for LGBTQ youth.
What is $4.3 million?
This is our fundraising goal for 2022.