Vocabulary | Goal Setting | Numbers | More Vocabulary | Fill in the Blank |
What is marijuana?
A dried mixture of shredded leaves, stems, and flowers of the hemp plant and is the most commonly used drug in the US.
What is Identify Goal?
Step 1
What is 21?
The age you now need to be in Nebraska to purchase or use tobacco products. {Changed in Oct. 2020)
What is a consequence?
This is what happens after you make a choice.
What is the liver?
The __________ is the organ that breaks down alcohol.
What is an over-the-counter drug?
A drug that does not require a doctor's written request.
What is Make An Action Plan?
Step 2
What is 5?
One joint is equal to smoking this many cigarettes.
What is alcohol?
A drug that is a depressant, damages the liver and is abused by teens the most.
What is USB Flashdrives?
JUULS can be mistaken for ____________.
What are cilia?
The tiny hairs that line the nose, trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles.
What is Reflect?
Step 3
What is 10?
The number of seconds it takes nicotine to reach your brain when you vape.
What is a stimulant?
Drugs that speed up the central nervous system.
What are cigarettes?
You are more likely to start smoking ____________ if you vape.
What is a substance?
Another name for a psychoactive drug.
What is 21?
The age you need to be in Nebraska to purchase and drink alcohol.
What is a depressant?
Drugs that slow down the central nervous system and are also called "downers".
What are inhalants?
Household and office products are sometimes used as ______________ when not used the way they were intended to be used.
What is a drug?
Chemical substances can cause positive or negative changes in the body.
What is .08?
The blood alcohol content (BAC) when you are considered to be legally intoxicated when driving in Nebraska.
What is substance misuse?
Taking a drug inappropriately.
What is 2?
______ cups of tar pass through the lungs of a smoker that smokes 2 packs a day for a year.