Christmas | Kwaanza | Hanukkah | Holiday Song Trivia | Holiday Movies |
What is coal
The gift that is given to naughty boys/girls.
What is 7
Kwaanza focuses on this many principles.
What is 8 nights?
The amount of days that Hanukkah last.
What is 9
In “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer,” this many reindeer pull Santa’s sleigh
What is "his hat"
The article of clothing that makes Frosty come back to life.
Who is Comet
The reindeer name who is also a household cleaner.
What is Unity
The first principle of Kwaanza
What is money
This was given for Hanukkah before the tradition of gifts were implemented.
What is "Me, I want a Hula Hoop!"
This is what Alvin the Chipmunk want in “The Chipmunk Song?”
What is "Bags"
Finish this line from How the Grinch Stole Christmas: “It came without packages,
boxes or __.” |
Where is England?
The country that created Egg Nog?
What is Kinera
The candleholder used during Kwannza is the
What is oil is used as a symbol for the miracle oil that burned for eight nights straight?
The reason food is fried during Hanukkah.
What is Kin
The word used for ‘family’ in the song “We Wish You a Merry Christmas?”
What is a pink bunny suit.
The gift that Ralphie receives from his aunt in The Christmas Story.
What is Sinterklaas
The Dutch name for Santa Claus
What is red, black & green
Kwannza candles are
Where is NYC
The largest Menorah is located here..
Who is Frosty the Snowman
He has a button nose?
What is Home Alone.
The highest grossing Christmas movie of all time.
What is Nine ladies dancing.
The gift given on the ninth day of the song "Twelve Days of Christmas".
What is 1997
The first US postage commemorating Kwannza was in this year.
What is all are accurate because there is no accurate way to translate the Hebrew sounds to English
You may have seen the holiday spelled like Hanukkah, Hannuka, or Chanukah but the accurate spelling is?
What is The Singers True Love
In the 12 Days of Christmas, this is the person who sends the gifts
What is "Stink, Stank, Stunk"
Three words used to describe the Grinch.