Statistics | Symptoms |
What is: True
Is chlamydia is the most common bacterial STI in Canada? True or False.
burning when urinating, unusual vaginal discharge, bleeding between periods, lower abdominal pain
What are two female symptoms of Chlamydia?
What is 15-24.
What is the age range of the majority of Canadian cases of Chlamydia?
burning when urinating, discharge from penis, pain or swelling of the testicles
What are two male symptoms of Chlamydia?
What is: 50%
What percent of infected males do not experience symptoms?
swab of the infected area or a urine test
How can you be tested for Chlamydia?
What is: 70%
What percent of infected females do not experience symptoms?
What is: pelvic inflammatory disease, problems getting pregnant or during pregnancy, infection passed to infant during childbirth
What is one health risk for women?
What is: serious infections in the prostate gland and testicles
What is one health risk for men?