Capitals | Def - uh - nish - uns | Movements | Hodge Podge | Very punny... |
What is Beijing?
This city is the capital of China.
What is double-cropping?
Planting more than one crop per year on the same land is known as this.
What is the Long March?
Name the deadly retreat undertaken by the fledgling Chinese Communist Party of China from Chiang Kai-Shek which covered an estimated 6,000 miles and cost tens of thousands of lives.
What is the Huang He?
This is another name for the Yellow River.
Who is Johnny Kashgar?
Name the famous country singer from a notable city on the western border China's northwest region.
What is Ulan Bator?
The capital of China's northern neighbor, Mongolia, is this city.
What are small armies?
Warlords are regional leaders who control these.
What is the Great Leap Forward?
This program of reorganizing Chinese society into communes resulted in the deaths of an estimated 20 million people from famine and was instituted by Mao Zedong.
What is the Three Gorges Dam?
The is the name of the darn on the Yangtze River which provides most of China's hydroelectricity.
Who is Chairman Meow?
This is the first feline leader of communist China.
What is Taipei?
Taiwan, the disputed island off of China's southeast coast, is home to this capital city.
What is abdicate?
This term means "to give up power."
What is the Great Cultural Revolution?
Name this Maoist policy which focused on creating a new China, purged of its religions, traditions, and history.
What is Tibet?
Give another common name for the southwest region.
What is Beijingle Bells?
This is the name of a popular Christmas song sung in China's capital.
What is Lhasa?
This is the traditional capital of the Plateau of Tibet.
What are special economic zones?
These areas have lower taxes, less restrictions, and less red tape.
Who is Deng Xiaoping?
The Four Modernizations was a plan implemented by this Chinese leader who succeeded Chairman Mao.
What is iconoclasts?
This is the name given to people who destroy religious symbols. You must use the correct form of the word.
What is "Tibet" (to bet)?
This is why the gambler went to see the Dalai Lama.
What is Warsaw or Budapest?
The Mongol Empire stretched from the Pacific Ocean to to Poland and Hungary. Name a capital of either Poland or Hungary.
What is a sphere of influence?
When late-19th and early-20th century European powers claimed they had this over foreign territories, they could claim these territories as colonies.
What are Daoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism?
These are the three major religions which influence modern China.
What is seasonal dust (or wind) storms?
This is how the fine, yellow, fertile loess is deposited on the northeast region of China.
What is "panda-monium"?
This is the result of hordes of endangered Chinese bears running through the streets.