Core Values | Summer Themes | Supervision Skillz | Intentionality Intrigue | Mr. Manager |
What is
1) Safe, Nurturing Environment 2)Scripture Based Environment 3) A Warm, Welcome Environment 4) A Child Focused Environment 5) A Passionate Environment
The five Children's Ministry Core Values?
God’s Workmanship
Loved Freely Forgiven God’s Child Redeemed Abundantly Blessed Secure Transformed Victorious
What is the 9 themes for each week of the summer in order?
magic number
What is that which you check and re check in Chilly's to ensure safety?
Program- safe, nurturing, stimulating, challenging and interactive so children are highly impacted with biblical truths, interactive activities, variety of materials, provided with opportunities for growth in faith, fun, fellows
What is intentionality?
What is one way to get children silent quickly?
The Paper Drop: Have a wad of paper at your teaching table. If kids begin talking while you teach, hold the paper ball over your head. This gets kids attention. Drop the ball and say, "Can you hear that?" Ke
What is one way to get children silent quickly?
What is
a) supervision and care showing care and respect for the children b) clean and organized, de-cluttered environment c) be attentive and pro-active in taking preventative safety measures
What is a safe, nurturing environment?
Rooted in Christ, Grounded in Faith
May Christ "dwell in your hearts through faith- that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love
What is our camp summer theme? Bonus points for sharing the memory verse that goes with it!
Too much congregation. Separate to ensure strong supervision
What is too many black shirts in one part of the classroom
eye contact, appear interested, active and willing listener, professional, approachable, use of positive wording-sensitive
What is the proper way to engage with parents?
Being consistent.
What is the most important thing in maintaining a standard of behaviour in the classroom?
What is a Scripture- Based Environment
What is an environment that uses God's Word in games, crafts, encourages scriptural memorization, encourages older children to bring their Bibles and incorporates interactive Bible lessons?
Fun in the Spirit, Faith in the Son, Fellowship in the Body
What is the Children's Ministry Mission Statement?
Body language- appear approachable with hands by your side
What is that which speaks a thousand words without speaking any to those around you.
Hearing what is said but also hearing/seeing what is not being said. It includes the effort to hear what is not being said…..but what is only being hinted at, what is perhaps being held back, what lies beneath or beyond the surface.
Be aware of words, bod
What is listening to ensure effective communication?
What is the word that comes before "then".
What is a warm, welcome environment
What is a core value that relates to the story of Jesus having open arms and welcoming all the children to come to him?
What is Ed.
What is the name of the product we use to clean with?
Infants 1:3, Toddlers 1:5, Preschoolers 1:8, School age 1:12
What is ratios.
None- except cores can have one for work
What is the number of cell phones you are allowed to have during program time?
Make rules for the class with the children
What is the way you will ensure the children know the expectations of the classroom this summer?
physical, social, emotional, cognitive and spiritual
What is the development aspects that must be taken into account to ensure a child-focused environment?
what is being pro-active
What is the way to ensure safety of children without being reactive.
- 1 staff must always travel to a washroom facility with the child with another staff within range -encourage to help assist themselves as much as possible
What is the number of eyes needed for diaper change and taking a child to the washroom?
Positive wording. You would say Walking feet!
What is saying "Don't run" not?