Risk Management Emergency Procedures Emergency Procedures 2.0 Chilly Chaps 101 Health and Playground Safety
What is removal of sharp objects, environment is scanned for tripping hazards( carpets taped), hanging electric cords, open drawers, removal of anything a child could get caught on--hooks, fridge doors closed etc.
What is done to the classroom before the children come to the classroom by the staff?
What is a first aid kit. fanny packs-- updated and easily accessible. One in main office, Birches and CM office.
What is something that should be at hand for staff at all times?
What is sun hats- no staff to apply the sunscreen or bug spray
A child should wear this along with the bug spray and sunscreen that is put on them by the parents before program.
Check your department for each area’s instructions. If the location of the fire is close to the children’s ministry areas then we will all proceed to the Ball diamond. If the location of the fire is in Fair Glen or Bill Crump centre then we will proceed t
Where does your classroom go in case of Fire?
what is No pushing, shoving or horseplay, no walking near swings or other moving equipment
Keep fingers and toes away from moving parts
d) Never run down slides or sliding down head first
e) Always use hand rails or grips with the children
f) Do not overl
What is playground safety look like?
What is foot ware
What is on the children's and staff's feet at all times
What is gloves.
What is worn when dealing with bodily fluids?
What is Mrs. Julie or Miss. Victoria
This person should be contacted upon leaving the classroom with children in your care to let them know where you will be going.
Hot glue guns or appliances. Cleaning supplies. Avoid leaving scissors out of reach
What should not be in the reach of children?
what is washing hands
-use soap and water and paper towel
What is an easy way to ensure illness does not spread and the children and staff are maintaining good sanitation?
What is visible FH shirt.
What is worn each day for uniform?
What is Rapi-Zorb 2000 found in each room. ( All cleaning supplies out of children's reach!) Vomit is double bagged and taken out to garbage- so is feces and blood. Sweep up residue on carpet after using Rapi-Zorb and throw it in a garbage bag.
What is used to clean bodily fluids off the carpets?
What is..notify Mrs. Julie or Miss. Victoria the concern. Put up the proper card in chapel according to the parent tag so parents can come pick their child up. Or use their cell phone number/trailer number to reach them.
As Children's Ministry does not assume full responsibility of the child, How do you contact a parent if there is care needed for their child?
a) Please try to keep paint, play dough, water and sand off the carpet floor area.
Sweep daily or after children are finished playing in that area. Children quickly slip on a sandy or wet floor.
b) Tables, chairs, shelf units and equipment must be cleaned
What cleaning must be done after program each day?
what is weekly especially in Tiny Tots
How often should you be changing toys and washing them?
What is no. It should be brought to the CM office and Mrs. Julie or Miss. Victoria will hold onto it. Unless it is an epipen. No meds. to be administered by staff except epi pen with parents permission.
If children bring their medication is it to be left in the classroom?
What is ask someone for help- Mrs. Julie and Miss. Victoria. COMMON SENSE!
What is needed when you are unsure in a tough situation.
What is everyone returns home in the same way they came to program
What is "due diligence"?
what is water tables
What must be emptied every day?
what is weekly unless a child using it had an illness ( pink eye, colds etc.) --when it is discarded immediately
How often should play dough be replaced?
What is none. Bathroom door must always be slightly ajar. No staff are alone behind a closed door with a child or walking alone with them
What is the appropriate number of gentlemen that are allowed to change a diaper?
What is..Reducing the risk of abuse or allegations thereof by using appropriate language and literature around children. Ensure that you are always in view of others when alone with a child or youth.
No wrestling or tackling as it can put undo pressure on
What are ways to reduce the risk of abuse and allegations?
wristband. When you see a person on site without a wristband, politely say Are you a registered guest? You can obtain your wristband at the office.
What must be worn for all children to enter CM program areas?
what is needs to be bagged and put on the child’s
hook to send home with the parent. If a parent uses our extra clothing, please ask them to return it to program upon their department
ask parents to send another bag of clothing upon return
What do I do with soiled clothing?
what is avoid having them eat on the ground. Use tables to eat snack unless you have a thick blanket or clean table cloth down so they can eat with napkins.
What is the place in which snack should take place?

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