Mid 20th Century Ethological Theories Theory by Stages Miscellaneous Child Life Interventions
According this person behavior is controlled by unconscious urges
Who is Frued
This person’s theory stresses the importance of the early parent child relationship
who is Bowlby
Children entering their pre-teen and teenage years become more conscious about privacy according to what theorist
who is Erikson
Maslow developed what motivational theory in psychology comprising a five-tier model
what is the hierarchy of needs
A patient struggling to hold still for a lab draw and continuously makes efforts to escape to their parent. This intervention would support both the child’s desire to be near parents and assist the lab staff
what is comfort positioning
The primary component in this theory are the reinforcers in punishment under the umbrella of operant conditioning
Who is B.F. Skinner
The strange situation created to assess children’s attachment styles was created by this pyschologist
who is Ainsworth
According to Jean Piaget children to recognize the color red to mean stop in which stage
what is preoperational
This person states social learning proceeds human development
who is Vygotsky
You receive a page from nursing staff reading “pt in rm 5 struggling with pill swallowing”. When you use this tool to note the patients developmental level, previous experience, and ongoing treatment plan
what is assessment
Who is known for applying Pavlovs theory to children aligning closely with B. F. Skinner
who is John Watson
This person is credited for the study of evolutionary context, also known as survival of the fittest
who is Darwin
Which of Erikson’s stages does success lead to feelings of competence and failure lead to shame
what is autonomy vs. shame and doubt
This idea is a core concept of the zone of proximal development
what is scaffolding
A toddler that assimilates the patient room with procedures would benefit from what type of environment
what is a treatment room
Reflect back on your knowledge of the Bobo dolls… who developed the theory that children learn behaviors from watching others demonstrating the importance of modeling
who is Albert Bandura
According to this stage of attachment, it is appropriate for a toddler to become tearful when separated from their parent
what is secure attachment
According to who there are six stages of moral development
who is kohlberg
This person encourages internal motivation rather than rewards and punishment in education
who is Maria Montessori
In an effort to comfort a 6 yr old patient in the radiology who will be receiving intravenous sedation you advocate for this
what is pain management
According to Freud these are the three agencies of the mind
what is Id, Ego, and Superego
Children appear unphased by the coming and going of a loved one (may even appear irritated)
what is detachment
This theorist disagreed with the idea that intelligence was a fixed trait, and regarded cognitive development as a process which occurs due to biological maturation and interaction with the environment
who is Piaget
According to this person children do not build language primarily from what they hear but an innate inner design
who is Chompsky
This child life intervention can be used for pts of all ages however typically looks very different
what is distraction

Child Life- Child Development

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