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Who is Archduke Franz Ferdinand?
This man was assassinated by a Serbian terrorist.
Who is Woodrow Wilson?
28th president of the United States.
What is the Treaty of Versailles?
The name of the treaty that officially ended World War 1.
What is a machine gun?
This weapon can fire over one hundred rounds in less than a minute.
What was the Battle of Verdun?
The longest battle fought in World War 1.
What is Austria-Hungary?
Germany had an alliance with this dual empire.
Who is David Lloyd George?
Prime Minister of United Kingdom
What is the League of Nations?
An intergovernmental organization founded as a result of the parish peace conference that ended the first world war by Woodrow Wilson.
What was trench warfare?
A kind of battle tactic that almost directly resulted in a stalemate.
What are 8 countries?
How many countries were involved in the Battle of Gallipoli.
What is Nationalism?
The intense pride in one's country.
Who is John Pershing?
The head commander of all American forces in WW1.
What are reparations?
According to the Treaty of Versailles? Germany was going to make serious territorial concessions and pay war_____.
What is a gas mask?
Chemical Warfare resulted in the mass production of these defense mechanisms.
What is the battle of Jutland?
This battle was fought almost entirely on the sea.
What is the Triple Entente?
First name of the alliance between France, Britain, and Russia.
Who is Dan Daly?
Marine Sergent Major, who had the famous warcry, "Come on, you sons of b******, do you want to live forever!".
What are Alsace and Lorraine?
The name of the territory that Germany had to concede to the French.
What are tanks?
Tracked, armored fighting vehicle designed for front-line combat which combines operational mobility and tactical offensive and defensive capabilities first used by the British in World War 1.
What was the Battle of Verdun?
The most expensive war in WW1.
Where is Sarajevo?
City in which the Arch Duke assassination took place.
Who is the Red Baron?
The most famous airplane pilot in World War 1
What is the Weimar Republic?
Name of the republic that came into power in Germany after World War 1.
What are submarines?
Reason why the British navy was so successful during sea battles.
What is the Battle of Marne?
This Battle was fought along the Marne River.