Overview | Properties of Matter | Periodic Table of Elements | Mechanics of Motion | Dynamics of Motion |
What is Chemistry and Physics
The studies of matter and energy
What is Volume
The amount of space something takes up
What is Lithium
This element is most commonly used in batteries
Who is Sir Isaac Newton
The man who discovered the Laws of Motion
What is Force
A push or pull on something
What is Matter
Anything that takes up space, or anything that has volume and mass
What is Mass
The property of matter that tells us how much matter is inside something
What is Phosphorous and/or Calcium
Element(s) found in our bones
What is Newton's First Law of Motion
Also known as the law of inertia (something at rest will stay at rest unless something forces it to move, or something in motion prefers to stay in motion unless something forces it to stop moving)
What is Friction
A force that holds back the movement of an object
What is Energy
This makes everything in the world work, move, and do things.
What is Density
The amount of mass that fills up a certain volume of matter
What is Hydrogen
This element has the lowest Atomic Number
What is Second
Force is what causes an object to change speed or direction is also known as which of Newton's laws of motion
What is Gravity
This is the force of falling towards the center of the Earth, also known as "falling down", and keeping us from flying off into space when we jump!
What is Genesis 1:1
"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."
What are Solid, Liquid, and Gas
Three main states of matter
What are Transition Metals
The elements found in the middle of the periodic table
What is Newton's Third Law of Motion
"For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction," is also known as this
What are Push and Pull
These two forces are used to put an object into motion
What is an Atom
The smallest unit of matter
What is Heat Energy
A type of energy that is transferred by a difference in temperature
What are Noble Gases
The six elements on the right of the table, the most stable elements
What is Acceleration
"The change in speed and in the direction something is going", is the physics definition, but we usually just refer to it as "speeding up"
What is (Air) Resistance
Works against gravity, or slows things down when they're falling toward Earth