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What is BFP
The sample stream you would collect for a pH grab
What is IXCU
The LI/LO and HI/HO samples come from here
What is 30% full power
Up to this power state, the boiler samples are run on the IC high calibration method
What is lithium
The chemical added to the heat transport system to raise pH
What is a vibrating module
This EPD add on is required by our primary side sampling REP
What is sodium
A high value for this analyte may indicate a condenser tube leak
What is the UPP
The 1B sample comes from here
What is 700uCi
To get a valid carbon 14 result using LSC, the tritium must be less than this value
What is the endshield cover gas
The cover gas system that utilizes nitrogen
What is 2
This many people are required to move an argon "dewar"
What is morpholine
This chemical is adjusted when we change the building heating steam unit
What is tritium, isotopic and TOC
U5 HT vial requires these analyses (3)
What are hydrazine, morpholine, and peroxide
The three light water UV-vis methods
What is the stator cooling water system
A pure light water system that includes a filter, IX column and deoxy column
What is the face
If you get contamination here you must seek help from another yellow/green qualified person
What is the corrosion product transfer filter
Connected to the HX6A or 6B stream, monitors for metals in feedwater
What is 0.1mS/m
We can cancel Gd and ions for a moderator collection tank with conductivity less than this value
What is 200
The minimum TSIE value required for an acceptable LSC result
What is ECI
A chemically treated light water emergency cooling system
What is 10 MPCh
When tritium dose is expected to be greater than this value, a plastic suit is required
What is hydrazine
When we "dose up the DA", we are adding a high concentration of this chemical
What is supply & inventory (S&I)
Upgraded heavy water suitable to transfer to units is kept here
What is the isopotential point
A temperature independent point where the voltage from the pH electrode is zero
What is the liquid zone cover gas
A He cover gas system that uses a recombiner unit
What are fission products
A radiation hazard expected when working specifically with heat transport system samples