Wittig | Aspirin |
benzaldehyde and phosphine ylid
In lab, the Wittig reaction used a substituted _______ and a ______.
NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammary drug)
Aspirin is a type of this medication.
Mole ratio between the reactants is ____.
Bark from this tree contains a precursor to aspirin.
An alkene
What functional group is a carbonyl compound converted to?
What year did Bayer sfirst ynthesize aspirin?
What technique was used to purify the Wittig product?
Acetylsalicylic acid
The chemical name for aspirin is ____.
IR and NMR
These two instruments were used to confirm Wittig product was formed.
Carboxylic acid, ester, benzene
List the 3 functional groups in aspirin.