Urban Legend | History of the Castle | Structure of the castle |
A double-murder
What crime occurred here?
Who are the Counts of Anjou
Who originally built the castle in the 11th century?
What is seven
How many stories tall is the castle?
A woman and her lover (one of her huntsmen)
Who were the victims of the crime?
Who is Pierre de Breze
Who rebuilt the castle in the 15th century?
What is 204
How many rooms does the castle have?
The husband of the woman found the two lovers together and fell into a rage
Why were the victims murdered?
What is The French Wars of Religion
During which war did the Protestant Henry of Navarre own the castle? hint:1589
What is 200
How many people does the "Belle Epoque" theatre seat?
la dame Verte / the "Green Lady
What is the woman called? (in French and English)
What is 1792
Until what year did the descendants of the first Duc de Brissac own the castle?
What is "The Giant of the Loire Vally"
What is the nickname for Chateau de Brissac?
Version 1: Jacques (her Hubby) dealt over one hundred blows of his sword to the cheating couple. Version 2: he strangled Charlotte in the Chapel Tower at Brissac later the same day
In what ways is the murdered woman rumored to have died?
Who is King Louis XIII
Who met with his mother in August of 1620 to discuss their differences?
What are pictures from the Don Quixote series
What series of pictures does the Golden Drawing Room contain?